Colin Donald

Angestellt, Director, Futurescape

London, Vereinigtes Königreich

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Social TV expert
creative consultant
digital producer
innovative new media product development
public speaker
business writer and analyst


Berufserfahrung von Colin Donald

  • Bis heute 26 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit 1998



  • 3 Jahre und 1 Monat, Dez. 1994 - Dez. 1997

    Head of New Media

    Virgin Media

    Founded the new media department

Ausbildung von Colin Donald

  • 1977 - 1980

    English Literature and American and Commonwealth Studies

    University of Exeter

    I chose this course because it was a combined degree, with the American Studies including a pioneering film course that focused on American commercial cinema. Wrote my BA Hons thesis on the photojournalism of the Vietnam War, focusing on the work of Don McCullin and Philip Jones Griffiths.

  • Bis heute

    American Studies

    The College of William and Mary

    The MA thesis was on the Anglo-American special relationship in defence, with the 1980s deployment of cruise missiles in the UK as a case study. It was during the MA course that I first encountered online communications, via the college’s mainframe system, leading to my career in online media.


  • Englisch


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