James McDiarmid

Angestellt, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Circle Hospital

Bath, Vereinigtes Königreich

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

James McDiarmid has 2 daughters and a wife called


Berufserfahrung von James McDiarmid

  • Bis heute

    Consultant Plastic Surgeon

    Circle Hospital

    James McDiarmid works as a consultant for Circle’s Bath hospital. Circle works in an unusual way to other medical companies as it allows clinicians to be co-owners and co-mangers. The company believes that patient care should be put above financial and operational costs. They also allow the clnicians who are closest to patients to make decisions in their patient’s best interests.

  • 2000 - 2008

    Consultant Plastic Surgeon

    Derriford Hospital

    Working as a consuultant with the NHS

Ausbildung von James McDiarmid

  • 3 Jahre, Sep. 1995 - Aug. 1998

    Masters Degree

    University of London

  • 3 Jahre und 10 Monate, Sep. 1986 - Juni 1990

    Medical Qualification

    University of Aberdeen


  • Englisch



James McDiarmid speciailises in armlifts
breast enlargements and reductions
and eyelid surgery. James also specialises in recontouring surgery and rhinoplasty.

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