Dr. Jan-Niklas Runge

forscht zu einem Thema.

Abschluss: PhD / Doktor, Universität Zürich

Strasbourg, Frankreich

Über mich

Versatile bioinformatician and data scientist, showcasing a wide array of methods in genomics and beyond. Adept at applying algorithmic thinking to solve complex problems and quickly adapt to new situations, as I have consistently navigated new methodologies and topics across various projects. Demonstrated success in initiating innovative projects resulting in several grant awards. Proficient in managing concurrent projects and working within diverse research cultures, with a history of contributions to various international labs. Experienced presenter, having presented insights at many international research conferences and seminars. Passionate about the intersection of biology and technology, aiming to apply my skills to improve people's lives.

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Bash (Unix shell)
High Performance Computing (HPC)
Data visualisation
Jupyter Notebook
Presentation skills
Microsoft Excel
Data Science
Forschung und Entwicklung
Analytisches Denken


Berufserfahrung von Jan-Niklas Runge

  • Bis heute 2 Jahre und 8 Monate, seit Okt. 2021

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    Université de Strasbourg

    - Conducted competitive mapping from FASTQ files to separately analyze primary and acquired genomes in a population genomics and phylogenetics study of 1000+ samples of an allopolyploid yeast. - Analyzed allele frequencies by sequencing pools of segregants, discovering novel transmission ratio distortion signals. - Explored the associated phylogenetic, structural variant, and other genomic signals to gain a comprehensive understanding of the loci under distorted transmission.

  • 6 Monate, März 2021 - Aug. 2021

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    Max-Planck-Institut für Evolutionsbiologie

    Assembled a wild house mouse genome using a hybrid approach, featuring a unique 40 Mb region. Continued collaboration with Columbia University on a population study of over 10,000 wild mice. Developed "SPORE", a pipeline that leverages identity-by-descent and Mendelian errors for accurate pedigree inferences in highly inbred populations. Validated these methods via simulated pedigrees. Analyzed inbreeding trends using runs of homozygosity and ancestry proportions, identifying deleterious loci.

  • 10 Monate, Mai 2020 - Feb. 2021


    Universität Zürich UZH

    Primarily remote collaboration with Columbia University. See above and below.

  • 4 Jahre und 3 Monate, März 2016 - Mai 2020

    PhD Student

    Universität Zürich

    - Conducted extensive data preparation and implemented Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) analyses on long-term life history data, discovering a novel behavior-genotype association. - Designed and executed a series of extensive behavioral experiments involving wild house mice, confirming the novel behavior-genotype association. - Conceptualized and developed a custom agent-based simulation to analyze the evolution of dispersal in a selfish genetic element, resulting in novel insights.

  • 7 Monate, Feb. 2019 - Aug. 2019

    PhD Fellow

    Columbia University

    Developed a custom pipeline utilizing ancestral proportion inference to facilitate the transition from raw sequencing data to imputed genotypes in ultra-low coverage (~0.03x) house mouse samples, enabling low-cost genome-wide genotyping.

  • 1 Jahr und 2 Monate, Dez. 2014 - Jan. 2016

    Content Manager

    my-xplace GmbH

    - Curated CSV-like data streams utilizing SQL and SAP Hybris technologies - Conducted thorough data analysis and quality control to ensure accuracy and consistency - Collaborated with cross-functional teams to optimize data flow and streamline processes

  • 7 Monate, Mai 2014 - Nov. 2014

    Junior Content Manager

    my-xplace GmbH

  • 1 Monat, März 2014 - März 2014

    Studentische Hilfskraft

    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

    Developed a robust HTML crawler using PHP to facilitate research on dog breeding

Ausbildung von Jan-Niklas Runge

  • 4 Jahre und 3 Monate, März 2016 - Mai 2020

    Evolutionary Biology

    Universität Zürich

    Thesis: "Discovery of a selfish supergene's dispersal phenotype in house mice Mus musculus domesticus." doi: 10.5167/uzh-191862

  • 2 Jahre und 6 Monate, Okt. 2011 - März 2014

    Developmental, Neural, and Behavioural Biology

    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

    Behavioural Biology; Statistics with R Performed extensive field research in Madagascar to observe, document, and analyze animal behavior, overcoming challenging conditions

  • 3 Jahre, Okt. 2008 - Sep. 2011


    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

    Completed Bioinformatics I & II courses, gaining expertise in analyzing genetic data and utilizing various computational tools


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