Jonas Krahn

Angestellt, Working student: Full stack software development using Spring and React, IAV - Automotive Engineering

Student, M.Sc. Informatik, Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften

Gifhorn, Deutschland

Über mich

As English is a highly relevant skill in software development I present myself in english. My journey as a software developer began as I was 12 years old coding plugins for video games. After graduading from high school (German: Gymnasium) I decided to study information technologies because of my passion for coding. In my second semester I was given the opportunity to work at IAV. Without hasitation I took this chance which was a turning point in my life as I learned many lessons in software development. My progress at IAV began by developing a web application which facilitates managing projects and employees. Later during my bachelor thesis at IAV I developed a highly relevant frontend framework based on React which was and is the foundation for many profitable client projects. I also trained students and employees in developing react applications using the framework.

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Spring Framework
Kontinuierliche Integration
GitLab CI/CD


Berufserfahrung von Jonas Krahn

  • Bis heute 2 Jahre und 8 Monate, seit Okt. 2021

    Working student: Full stack software development using Spring and React

    IAV - Automotive Engineering

    After successfully completing my bachelor thesis I continued working at IAV while doing my master's degree. I'm extending the frontend framework developed during writing my bachelor thesis. I'm also training other students and employees in working with the framework. Furthermore I'm extending the already mentioned project and employee managing tool.

  • 4 Monate, Juli 2021 - Okt. 2021

    Bachelor thesis at IAV: Development of a frontend framework based on React

    IAV - Automotive Engineering

    After completing my internship I began to write my bachelor thesis at IAV. In this time I developed a highly relevant frontend framework based on react. The framework was and is used in multiple profitable client projects and is the basis for subsequent student research. I learned much about the build pipeline of create react app, continous ingegration and deployment, TypeScript and about React itself.

  • 5 Monate, Feb. 2021 - Juni 2021

    Internship: Front end development and refactoring of a spring application

    IAV - Automotive Engineering

    After successfully completing my fifth semester at university I worked at IAV as an intern. At first I began to develop architectual proposals for the later to be developed frontend framework. These proposals would be pathbreaking for my bachelor thesis. Furthermore I refactored a Spring Backend, especially it's API. By doing this I learned much about designing APIs.

  • 1 Jahr und 6 Monate, Sep. 2019 - Feb. 2021

    Working student: Full stack software development using Spring and React

    IAV - Automotive Engineering

    In my second semester at university I began to work at IAV Gifhorn. I developed a web application which makes managing projects and employees easier for the project assistance. My concrete tasks were to develop a Spring backend including a permission system and a REST API and to develop a React frontend application.

  • 2 Monate, Mai 2019 - Juni 2019

    Assistant in technical information technology

    Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften

    In my time as an assistant in technical information technology I supervised the laboratory lessons for first term students. I learned much about communication and about teaching non-specialist students.

Ausbildung von Jonas Krahn

  • Bis heute 2 Jahre und 3 Monate, seit März 2022

    M.Sc. Informatik

    Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften

  • 3 Jahre und 2 Monate, Okt. 2018 - Nov. 2021

    B.Sc. Informatik

    Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften

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