Michael Adams

is fine and healthy. 🥦

Bis 2017, Team Manager, Iriving oil

Berlin, Deutschland

Über mich

I am an experienced chemical engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the oil and industry skilled in management, engineering ,leadership,project planning , project management and maintenance, strong engineering with a master of engineering (MEng)…. Diverse professional development , with specialization in research ,lab analysis, report generation ,documentation and project direction .leverage organisational and analytical skills to evaluate and revise scientific research processes and improve accuracy and efficiency.


Berufserfahrung von Michael Adams

  • Bis heute 6 Jahre und 4 Monate, seit Feb. 2018

    Contract Manager

    Mobil ISC GmbH
  • 1 Jahr und 2 Monate, März 2016 - Apr. 2017

    Team Manager

    Iriving oil

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