Nichole Gardner

Inhaberin, Owner, Private Practice

Ventura, Vereinigte Staaten


Berufserfahrung von Nichole Gardner

  • Bis heute 12 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit 2012


    Private Practice

    Providing Naturopathic Medicine house calls to patients within a 30 mile radius of Ventura. Provide consultations to patients in other practitioner's offices. Provide CranioSacral treatments and AquaStretch treatments to clients.

  • 2007 - 2010

    Naturopathic Doctor

    Diagnostic Center for Medicine

    Consult with patients as a natural health expert and offer recommendations for natural health alternatives for their medical conditions. Worked in a team setting with MDs and DOs; first alternative medicine provider. Adjunct provider of alternative healthcare to patients with varying conditions, treating patients of all ages. Implemented and managed the first natural health dispensary in the group practice. Gave lectures on natural health topics to the community and local hospitals

Ausbildung von Nichole Gardner

  • 2002 - 2007

    Naturopathic Medicine

    Bastyr University


  • Englisch




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