Nils Petersohn

Bis 2017, Web platform engineer, SAP

Berlin, Deutschland

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

RxJS | Elm | Cycle.js | Typescript | bacon.js
javascript (10 years) | ES6 | react | redux | node
groovy + grails | spring | hibernate (5 years)
JVM langs | scala | clojure (2 years)
eclipse plugins | osgi | swtbot | (1 year)
ruby | rails (6 years experience)
MongoDB | Riak | MySQL | cassandra | hadoop | spar
domains I have worked in: Software | Marketing | D
AWS | EC2 | S3 | Ansible | Docker | Vagrant (3 yea
Linux / Unix distributions (10 years)
GIT | SVN (5 years)
working with domain-owners (10 years) | teamwork (
outsourcing IT to foreign continents (3 years)
Project-panning (Omniplan) | Mockups (Omnigraffle)
Trello | Version One | JIRA | Confluence (5 years)


Berufserfahrung von Nils Petersohn

  • Bis heute 6 Jahre und 9 Monate, seit Sep. 2017

    Lead Software Engineer

    ERGO Group AG
  • 9 Monate, Jan. 2017 - Sep. 2017

    Web platform engineer

  • 1 Jahr und 6 Monate, Aug. 2015 - Jan. 2017

    web platform engineer

    Zalando SE

    react / es6 / redux

  • 2 Jahre, Sep. 2013 - Aug. 2015

    senior developer

    trommsdorff + drüner, innovation + marketing consultants GmbH

Ausbildung von Nils Petersohn

  • Bis heute

    Computer Science

    FH Brandenburg


  • Englisch


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