Sandra Sanchez

ist offen für Projekte. 🔎

Selbstständig, Lehrerin in der Erwachsenenbildung, Global LT

Über mich

Learning a language is not always easy, but it can always be enjoyable and fun. I'm a good teacher whenever my students look forward to spend the hour of the lesson with me. Only than people start talking freely - which is the only way to learn. My students see the lesson with me often as a refreshing break from their daily life. That's possible because my maxim in life is to spend my time only with things, that I like to do. I´ve long searched for it, eventually I found it: teaching german. Languages are just fascinating and teaching is for me a very personal task do to. It seems never to become boring as there are the humans, with all their particularities and needs in order to understand and remain interested in a language. I´m a traveller spirit, a gypsy by heart and soul, loving my life in my Van. So in my life there are always interesting things to talk about, which keeps the lessons talkative and alive, always good mooded and sometimes even therapeutic.

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Teaching English as a foreign language
Deutsch als Fremdsprache


Berufserfahrung von Sandra Sanchez

  • Bis heute 3 Jahre und 10 Monate, seit Aug. 2020

    Lehrerin in der Erwachsenenbildung

    Global LT

Ausbildung von Sandra Sanchez

  • 6 Jahre, Sep. 2007 - Aug. 2013

    Magister Philosophie / Politikwissenschaft

    Universität Trier


  • Spanisch


  • Italienisch


  • Englisch


  • Deutsch


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