SciTer Wen

Angestellt, Software Engineer, Nokia Siemens Networks

Hangzhou, China

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

3 years of software development experience in C/C+
JavaScript and Python. Can use English fluently
both oral and written.


Berufserfahrung von SciTer Wen

  • Bis heute 15 Jahre und 8 Monate, seit Okt. 2008

    Software Engineer

    Nokia Siemens Networks

    In charge of developing the automatic test tools for Media Gateway of Core Network. Use Java, C/C++ and Python and under Linux. Use JAVA to build the GUI of the tools, C/C++ to build the media handling and processing, Python to build the Web to manage and run test cases.

  • 2 Jahre und 5 Monate, Juli 2006 - Nov. 2008

    Product Engineer

    Brion Technology (ASML Company)

    Develop the customize extend software on the platform of the company to check the circuit patterns on the wafer. Build the acceptance test cases for release products and write the release documents. Support the field engineer with their problems. Hod the training for the new employees.

  • 1 Jahr, Nov. 2007 - Okt. 2008

    Software Engineer

    Giant Electronics

    Mainly in charge of development for the embedded software of 3G modem, PC software on Windows for the 3G Modem, webpages for using the AGPS Devices. Use C/C++, MFC, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL.

Ausbildung von SciTer Wen

  • 3 Jahre und 11 Monate, Sep. 2002 - Juli 2006


    Peking University


  • Englisch


  • Chinesisch



web pages programming

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