Sergiu Dominic

is looking for freelance projects. 🔎

Angestellt, QA Engineer, Software Mind

Bis 2006, English/German languages, Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University

Chisinau, Moldawien

Über mich

I am fond of Agile and Scrum, but don’t have anything against Waterfall or any other methodology used in SDLC or STLC. Used a couple of times Git, Asana, Slack, Trello, Microsoft SQL Server, SalesForce and SAP. Speak English, Russian, Romanina can understand German. Good problem solving and analytical skills Excellent oral and written communication skills An interest to learn the business supported by the applications Able to adopt (agile) development methodologies and tools (Eclipse, JIRA, Git) Have tenacity, drive, attitude, humility and competency Good problem solving and analytical skills Excellent oral and written communication skills An interest to learn the business supported by the applications Able to adopt (agile) development methodologies and tools (JIRA, Git) Have tenacity, drive, attitude, humility and competency Familiarity with Agile frameworks and regression testing Ability to document and troubleshoot errors Working knowledge of test management software and SQL



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