William Gautier

Angestellt, holistic chiropractor, AHD Clinic

The Bronx, Vereinigte Staaten

Über mich

My name is William Gautier and I'm a Holistic Doctor. I am fond of my job. When I have some free time I spend it with my family or read books. On my opinion, reading is a lifelong skill. If you want to be successful, you should be welindie-popl-read and erudite, to move with the times.


Berufserfahrung von William Gautier

  • Bis heute 37 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit Jan. 1987

    holistic chiropractor

    AHD Clinic

    Dr. William Gautier, AHD Clinic specialist, has nearly 30 years experience as a holistic chiropractor. His passion is providing healing insights and strategies to help set you free to live a better life.

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