Sam Xu
Bis 2013, Managing director, Zhuhai Vorrio Management consulting firm
珠海, China
Berufserfahrung von Sam Xu
6 Jahre und 1 Monat, Okt. 2007 - Okt. 2013
Managing director
Zhuhai Vorrio Management consulting firm
Founded the company and managed all aspects of business
7 Jahre und 4 Monate, Juli 2006 - Okt. 2013
China liaison
Switchcraft Group
purchase and customer relationship within China
1 Jahr und 1 Monat, Okt. 2008 - Okt. 2009
Assistant of General Manager
Guangxi Yinhe-Avantis Wind Power co., Ltd
management for technology\assembling\commissioning and installation, assembly line designing for mass production and optimize efficiency, and less manpower with lowest costs.
2 Jahre und 8 Monate, Nov. 2004 - Juni 2007
Guangxi Yinhe-Decom Electric co., ltd
respond working on financial dept and administration dept since 2005, worked from cooperation contract to the factory establishment, set up the good system for financial management and internal control and experienced from ground breaking to prototype production.
5 Jahre und 9 Monate, Feb. 1998 - Okt. 2003
Financial controller /General Manger
Zhuhai Shining Group Co., Ltd
organized efficient production and set up working regulation and procedure, clearance the receivable and payable to reduce the pressure of competition and coordinated the relationship of dept. and human resource.
2 Jahre, Jan. 1994 - Dez. 1995
Zhuhai Fujikura Electric Company
Costs analyzing and material controlling for costing and expenses calculation
Ausbildung von Sam Xu
2 Jahre und 11 Monate, Sep. 1995 - Juli 1998
international trade
International trade/economic university of China
1 Jahr und 11 Monate, Sep. 1988 - Juli 1990
Northeast financial/economic university