Dr. Tobias Fischer
Angestellt, Research Fellow, Queensland University of Technology
Abschluss: PhD, Imperial College London
Brisbane, Australien
Berufserfahrung von Tobias Fischer
Bis heute 4 Jahre und 11 Monate, seit Jan. 2020
Research Fellow
Queensland University of Technology
9 Monate, Jan. 2019 - Sep. 2019
Research Associate
Imperial College London
The goals of this joint US/UK interdisciplinary effort are to model the neural mechanisms underlying multisensory processing and decision making and to design closed-loop adaptive algorithms for brain-computer communication. I designed algorithms to detect and respond to users' mental workload in simulated driving environments based on their eye gaze.
4 Jahre und 3 Monate, Okt. 2014 - Dez. 2018
Research Assistant
Imperial College London
I planned and carried out research in accordance with the WYSIWYD EU FP7 project aims, in collaboration with Professor Demiris and the project's consortium partners. I also participated in advanced research in machine learning, computer vision, and robot control for human robot interaction; this included the application of machine learning algorithms to real humanoid systems (iCub humanoid robot), unsupervised learning of articulated models, visual perspective taking, and hierarchical motor control.
8 Monate, Okt. 2012 - Mai 2013
Research Intern
York University
The idea of the internship in Toronto, Canada at the York University is to enable robots with the ability to visually search for a given object in an environment that is specified generically and with as few constraints as possible. That is, in environments, robots can search for a given object without prior knowledge of where furniture or other obstacles might be. The sole sensor is a binocular camera system.
Als studentische Hilfskraft halte ich Übungsstunden im Fach "Algorithmen und Programmierung".
3 Monate, Aug. 2011 - Okt. 2011
Praktikant Engineering Division
Wincor Nixdorf Singapore Pte Ltd
I developed a solution (C++/CLI) to replace a typical two-line LCD of point of sales systems with a full-fledged monitor. This allowed to use the different display types using the same software, which resulted in immense cost savings for the client.
Als studentische Hilfskraft halte ich Übungsstunden im Fach "Algorithmen und Programmierung".
I developed a Xtext-based specification language for model driven software development. This resulted in automated migration from Microsoft Word based specification sheets to a domain specific programming language in a major e-government application.
3 Monate, Juli 2009 - Sep. 2009
Praktikant Softwaredevelopment
Wincor Nixdorf Singapore Pte Ltd
I implemented a customer specific software for point of sales advertisements using the Cocoon framework combined with PostgreSQL. This led to a unified code repository of a major supermarket chain.
iStrat GmbH
In diesem Unternehmen absolvierte ich drei Praktika, je ca. drei Wochen lang. Meine Aufgabengebiete lagen in der Programmierung mit C bzw. C++ mit Datenbankanbindung an MySQL. Oftmals arbeitete ich an PDF-Dokumenten, welche für die firmeninterne Datenbank vorbereitet werden mussten. Aber auch erste Untersuchungen im Data-Mining fielen in mein Aufgabenbereich.
Ausbildung von Tobias Fischer
4 Jahre und 3 Monate, Okt. 2014 - Dez. 2018
Imperial College London
Robotics, Computer Vision, Computational Modelling
1 Jahr, Sep. 2013 - Aug. 2014
Artificial Intelligence
University of Edinburgh
Intelligent Robotics
3 Jahre und 9 Monate, Okt. 2009 - Juni 2013
TU Ilmenau
Kognitive Technische Systeme