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Urs Müller

Bis 2023, DWH Solution & Data Architecture, Data Modeling, Metadata & Automation Design, Zurich Insurance Switzerland; SICAF Calculation & Analytics Platform for Finance
Gelterkinden, Schweiz

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse


Berufserfahrung von Urs Müller

  • 5 Jahre und 11 Monate, Feb. 2018 - Dez. 2023

    DWH Solution & Data Architecture, Data Modeling, Metadata & Automation Design

    Zurich Insurance Switzerland; SICAF Calculation & Analytics Platform for Finance

    Design and development of SICAF, the new strategic DWH Integration, Calculation & Reporting Platform for Finance Department, spanning 2 projects ... - IFRS 17 International Financial Reporting Standard 2017 - LARS Life Actuarial Reserving System Data architecture, data modeling for staging/integration/calculation/reporting components, reference data & business rules & assumptions design, metadata & automation design, workflow & runtime configuration design, automated data quality checks, testing automation

  • 2 Jahre und 6 Monate, März 2020 - Aug. 2022

    DWH Solution & Data Architecture, Data Modeling

    CSS Health Insurance; DWH for calculations & reporting

    Data architecture, data modeling, reference data design for Smart Data DWH. Consulting in modeling and architecture topics, support in the development and realization of the new strategic DWH for CSS as a replacement for the legacy DWH

  • 6 Monate, Okt. 2017 - März 2018

    Business Analysis / Requirement Engineering & Implementation

    Bank Julius Baer; Regulatory Reporting

    Analysis and implementation of requirements for regulatory reporting (SNB, FINMA) for Switzerland and BJB Group. Integration of financial instrument master data

  • 1 Jahr und 3 Monate, Sep. 2016 - Nov. 2017

    DWH Solution & Data Architecture, Data Modeling, Metadata & Automation Design

    Credit Suisse AG; DV 2.0 PoC & SIA Service, Information and Analytics DWH

    Data Vault 2.0 PoC to validate the DV 2.0 modelling methodology, agile/SCRUM project management approach. SIA DWH project to build the new strategic reporting platform for Management Accounting, Risk & Finance applying DV 2.0 methodology and metadata based automation. SIA acts as a highly agile integration layer for tactical/legacy sources as well as for golden sources . The approach allows the seamless integration of raw with harmonized/refined data = combining or comparing reports of multiple data areas.

  • 4 Jahre und 7 Monate, Feb. 2012 - Aug. 2016

    DWH Solution & Data Architecture, Data Modeling, Requirements Engineering

    Credit Suisse AG; PBW Private Banking & Wealth Management DWH

    Core responsibility for data architecture & data modeling of the new Private Banking & Wealth Management DHW. This DWH serves as as consolidated global data base for analytical platforms and is aligned with ex-isting bank’s internal reference data models from various data domains. The integration covers all analytically relevant feeds from CS Swiss Banking Platform SBIP as well as feeds of the international CS locations.

  • 5 Jahre und 2 Monate, Juli 2006 - Aug. 2011

    DWH Solution & Data Architecture, Data Modeling, Project Management

    Credit Suisse AG; iDWH International Data Warehouse for Management Accounting

    Conceptual design and lead solution architect of a global data platform DWH for international locations. The multi layer DWH solution supports local & global MIS reporting and further data delivery requirements. Successful implementation and rollout for Singapore, Hong Kong, London, Guernsey, Gibraltar and USA. Core responsabilities for requirements analysis, solution concepts & architecture, data modelling, mapping specifications, testing methodologies, etc.

  • 2 Jahre und 5 Monate, März 2004 - Juli 2006

    Consulting, Business Analysis, Implementation, Rollout

    UBS AG; Financial MIS, Global DWH

    Modification of a local finance & reporting mart to establish a global and scalable architecture including redesign and reengineering of the data mart model, architecture and ETL processes / report and interface design for credit risk and credit applications iRSC and iLOAD / setup & rollout (Frankfurt) of the GSM DWH with sourcing from Olympic as part of the GOAL'06 project (new accounting and operations platform for UBS Deutschland AG)

  • 1 Jahr und 9 Monate, Juli 2002 - März 2004

    Business Analysis

    FBA AG; CFIDB Consolidated Financial Instruments Database

    Business analysis, concept and database administration incl. release management and deployment / concept for meta data management and history management/ interfaces & meta data management for data provider WM

  • 1 Jahr und 11 Monate, März 2002 - Jan. 2004

    Consulting and Business Analysis

    Swisscom IT Services; FIVS Securities Admin. System Integration GEOS

    Consulting and business analysis & hands on supervision during the implementation of the securities data application FIVS (Module of the GEOS securities administration system) / concept, setup and customizing of the baseline version / guidelines for data input including use cases / gap analysis & coordination of change requests / product support &trouble shooting / establish concept for FIVS outbound interface

  • 3 Jahre und 10 Monate, Sep. 1998 - Juni 2002

    Consulting and Project Management

    SDS Software Daten Service, Wien; FIVS Securities Data Application

    Consulting, business analysis, project management and conceptional work; project management for the implementation of the VDF feed from Telekurs Financial Ltd / concept for data approval framework, generic inbound interface, housekeeping processes, financial static data / analysis of change requests to adapt the GEOS/FIVS software to Swiss banking standards & regulatory requirements/ support for Swiss clients regarding gap analysis, requirement engineering and change request management.

  • 2 Jahre und 7 Monate, Feb. 1996 - Aug. 1998

    Consulting and Project Management

    Coop Bank; Kondor+, SWX Trading System, Credit MIS

    Project management, architecture design, analysis & development; for FX back office system (B+S) interfaces, new SWX release requirements, setup of Kondor+, credit application authentication and risk evaluation framework modules

  • 10 Monate, Apr. 1995 - Jan. 1996

    Business Analysis and Development

    Novartis AG; LCVS, LABCHEM and PERIS applications

    Analysis and development; development of an interface for the client server application CERES thru Oracle-gateway and EDA/SQL to the respective LCVS (Laboratory chemical supply systems) IMS- and DB/2 host databases as well as integration of the existing order system, maintenance and further development of existing LCVS, LABCHEM and PERIS applications

  • 2 Jahre und 9 Monate, Juli 1992 - März 1995

    Business Analysis and Development

    Coop Bank

    Business analysis of DWH framework components to extract and transform data from various sources into a relational DWH environment, various modules for securities administration, portfolio management, securities trading, safekeeping of securities, SWIFT, SIS/SECOM, Telekurs Titelbulletin

Ausbildung von Urs Müller

  • 1998 - 1999

    IPL Informatik-Projektleiter

    WISS Basel, Schweiz


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