Ing. Ajaypal Singh
Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse
Berufserfahrung von Ajaypal Singh
- Bis heute 10 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit Nov. 2014
Senior Software Engineer
Robert Bosch GmbH
• Developed a Densely Connected Convolutional Network for pixel wise segmentation of an image in different classes like sky, car, pedestrian, road sign, lane for autonomous driving • Developed moving object and lane tracking plug-ins using feature detection for annotation tool Label editor, Philosys • Developed driving maneuvers in Carmaker for evaluation of Value Added functions (VAFs) such as ABS, Brake assist, cruise control and standstill control for virtual test driving.
- 1 Jahr und 3 Monate, Juli 2013 - Sep. 2014
Production Manager
Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited
• Production of aerated drinks: Introducing innovative systems and defining operational procedures with standard GMP, legal, safety and process compliance • Presented defects mitigation strategy implementation in audits by Japanese Institute of Plant Maintenance for TPM Excellence Award in Hyderabad Plant
Ausbildung von Ajaypal Singh
- 4 Jahre und 1 Monat, Juli 2009 - Juli 2013
Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
- Robotics - Computer Vision - Control Systems - Sensor Systems - Fluid Dynamics - Thermodynamics
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