Dr. Andrea Weber
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Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse
Berufserfahrung von Andrea Weber
- Bis heute 9 Jahre, seit Apr. 2016
Lead Project Manager
msg systems ag
Public Sector
- 2 Jahre und 10 Monate, Juni 2013 - März 2016
Senior Product Manager
Orga Systems
- Manage product life cycle and budget, generate business cases, initiate and prepare product decisions - Product launch, project controlling, requirements management and product ownership
- 6 Jahre und 10 Monate, Sep. 2002 - Juni 2009
Project Manager and Scientific Officer
DB Netz AG
- Project manager and head of a cross-functional team, in corporate division “Production Planning”. - Project manager and scientific officer in corporate division “Telecommunication technology”: Project coordination in the area of telecommunication and signaling technique. Management of technology projects, creation of feasibility studies, specifications and reports; requirements engineering and management for railway specific telecommunication services, contract management,business process analysis
- 2 Jahre und 6 Monate, Feb. 2000 - Juli 2002
Senior Consultant and Bid Manager
LHS Verwaltungs GmbH & Co. Projekt KG
01/01-05/02: Senior consultant telecommunication, sales support department. Providing and maintaining product description for BSS product line, bid management of BSS proposals, analysis of BSS market requirements, preparation and accomplishment of BSS customer workshops, tutoring team members from sales support in the area of BSS product development. 02/00-12/00: Consultant education and product training. Development and realization of customer training courses and workshops: finance and customer care
- 3 Jahre, Feb. 1997 - Jan. 2000
Senior Researcher
Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen
Senior Researcher, institute for plant production II, department of biometrics and population genetics. Project management for scientific projects in the area of GIS- and computer simulation models; bio-statistical advice, teaching. Specification and development of computer simulation models and prediction programs.
Ausbildung von Andrea Weber
- 4 Jahre und 5 Monate, Mai 1988 - Sep. 1992
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen,
Researcher, Institute for the Tropics, Department of Phytopathology and Applied Entomology. Design of experiments, realization and analysis of field experiments, biostatistics, teaching
- 6 Jahre und 6 Monate, Okt. 1981 - März 1988
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Pflanzenproduktion, Epidemiologie, Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz
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