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Cristina Elena Serban

Bis 2013, Project Assistant, Merlin Business Consulting S.R.L.,
Bucharest, Rumänien

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Office management
administrative assistant


Berufserfahrung von Cristina Elena Serban

  • 10 Monate, Aug. 2012 - Mai 2013

    Project Assistant

    Merlin Business Consulting S.R.L.,

    - Validation of the target group; - Planning courses; - Provinding support for traniners and trainees; - Checking, registering and archiving of documents received from trainers; - Keeping management for supplies used in the courses; - Reimbursement of travel expenses for the target group; - Preparation of monthly deliverables; - Collaboration with the contracting authority for the smooth running of the project; - Preventing and resolving problems.

  • 1 Jahr und 1 Monat, Mai 2012 - Mai 2013

    Assistant Manager

    Fergus Green Investment S.R.L.,

    - Organising and attending meetings in order to discuss ongoing activities, issues of concern, and ways of proficiency improvement- being involved in decision-making processes; - Carrying out background research and presenting findings; - Arranging travel and accommodation; - Drafting faxes and correspondence and preparing them for signature; - Establishing, maintaining, processing correspondence, databases, records, certificates, and/or other documents; - Liaising with clients, suppliers and other sta

  • 2 Jahre und 3 Monate, März 2010 - Mai 2012

    Office Manager

    360insights SRL

    - Assisting the General Manager in recruiting quality professionals who are dedicated to high values of service and performance. - Coordinating the coding team who make sense of the hugely varying answers to get to open-ended questions, assigning order where none is apparent, and allowing to efficiently and accurately understand exactly what respondents are telling. - Providing office support services in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

Ausbildung von Cristina Elena Serban

  • 1 Jahr und 11 Monate, Sep. 2009 - Juli 2011

    Public Management

    Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

  • 2 Jahre und 10 Monate, Okt. 2006 - Juli 2009

    Faculty of Administration and Public Management

    Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies

  • 3 Jahre und 10 Monate, Sep. 2002 - Juni 2006

    Filology/ Foreign Languages

    Gheorghe Lazar High school, Bucharest


  • Englisch


  • Deutsch


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