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Dr. Egor Pozdnyakov

Angestellt, Head of the chemical laboratory, SPF Luminophor
Abschluss: Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), North-Caucasus Federal University
Stavropol, Russische Föderation

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse


Berufserfahrung von Egor Pozdnyakov

  • Bis heute 11 Jahre und 1 Monat, seit März 2014

    Head of the chemical laboratory

    SPF Luminophor

    Scientific-production firm “Luminophor” (ex All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Luminescent Substances and Particularly Pure Substances (USSR)). R&D all types of inorganical phosphors and luminescence coupounds. R&D Luminescent substances for the protection of securities and other Security based products, for secure printing. Research of scintillators and luminescence-scintillators compounds. LED phosphors, IR-emitting, UV-emitting, UC-phosphors.

  • 3 Jahre und 5 Monate, Nov. 2010 - März 2014

    Head of Laboratory

    Research Institute of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials

    The study of solid-state luminescent inorganic materials High-temperature synthesis of semiconductor compounds Synthesis and study of single crystals of refractory compounds Synthesis and study of ceramic materials Chemical technology of synthesis of inorganic materials

  • 3 Jahre und 6 Monate, Okt. 2010 - März 2014

    Process Engineer of laser materials

    SPC Exiton

    Horizontal Directed Solidification Method and by Kyropoulos method for production Yttrium-Aluminium Garnet (YAG) and sapphire (Al2O3) monocrystals. Research in the area of ​​effective polycrystalline solid solutions and semiconductor and dielectric crystals, the selection of activators, matrix Development of technology for transparent laser ceramics and high-temperature ceramic

  • 10 Monate, Jan. 2010 - Okt. 2010

    Operator of monocrystal growth


    Keeping the process of growing monocrystalls of sapphire by Kyropoulos method. Редактировать должность «Process Engineer»

  • 1 Jahr und 8 Monate, Juni 2008 - Jan. 2010

    Process Engineer


    Production of phosphors materials (Stokes and Anti-Stokes), based on REE solid-phase synthesis, coprecipitation, sol-gel method, freeze, etc. method of burning and 1) The development of infrared-emitting phosphors based on rare earth 2) Development of anti-Stokes phosphors with a visible glow 3) Development of cathodoluminescence materials, phosphors for gas plasma,electroluminescence materials

Ausbildung von Egor Pozdnyakov

  • 2 Jahre und 11 Monate, Sep. 2010 - Juli 2013

    Materials Science

    North-Caucasus Federal University

    Technology and equipment for manufacturing semiconductors and materials for electronic engineering

  • 4 Jahre und 11 Monate, Sep. 2005 - Juli 2010


    North-Caucasus State Technical University

    Qualification: Engineer in the field of nanomaterial, nanocomponents, elements and devices, technological processes of their manufacture, research methods, physical and physico-chemical phenomena during their sy


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