Hassan Tariq Malik

is looking for freelance projects. 🔎

Freiberuflich, Freelance SEO Consultant, Hassantariqmalik.com

Lahore, Pakistan

Über mich

Hassan Tariq Malik is a highly skilled Freelance SEO Consultant, specializing in Technical SEO, Digital PR, Rebranding, and Content Marketing. With a deep understanding of search engine optimization, Hassan develops effective strategies to support business development and increase conversion rates, ultimately leading to greater profitability for his clients. With years of experience in the field, Hassan possesses expertise in various aspects of SEO. He is proficient in conducting comprehensive site audits and generating detailed reports that identify areas for improvement and optimization. Through his meticulous analysis, he uncovers opportunities to enhance on-page and off-page SEO activities, ensuring that websites perform at their best and achieve optimal visibility on search engine result pages. By strategically securing these high-quality backlinks, he boosts his clients' domain authority, increases their online presence, and enhances their overall search engine rankings.

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Online Marketing
Marketing Consultancy
Internet Marketing
Content marketing
Social Media Marketing
Start-up Consulting
Keyword Analysis
On-Page Optimization
Google Search Console
Content Strategy
Social Marketing
Link Building
Google Analytics
Google Ads
Content management
Social Media


Berufserfahrung von Hassan Tariq Malik

  • Bis heute 8 Jahre und 3 Monate, seit März 2016

    Freelance SEO Consultant


    As a Freelance SEO Consultant, I develop SEO strategies to assist Business development and conversion, which helps businesses turn over more money and be more profitable. I do this using AI, Screaming Frog, UberSuggest, SEMRush, and lots of Excel formulas.


  • Englisch


  • Urdu


  • Punjabi


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