Hugo Simkin

is researching.

Angestellt, Visiting Scholar, Tel Aviv University

Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Argentinien

Über mich

For the last years, I've been teaching and researching the impact of migration on mental health. My research is focused on ex-pats around the world dealing with mental or emotional issues, such as anxiety, depression, trauma-related disorders, grief, or relationship problems.

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Social psychology
Social science
Research and Development
Data Science
Data Analysis
Research Methods
Social Sciences
University didactics


Berufserfahrung von Hugo Simkin

  • Bis heute 4 Jahre und 3 Monate, seit März 2020

    Visiting Scholar

    Tel Aviv University

    I lead "Social Psychology: Cross-Cultural Perspectives" (Course number: 1041.3595.01) as a Visiting Scholar at Tel Aviv University. This course blends psychology and sociology, enabling students to apply modern psychological theories to everyday scenarios. It promotes cross-cultural collaboration between Tel Aviv University and the University of Buenos Aires students through an online platform. Topics covered include attitude formation, group dynamics, stereotypes, prejudice, and social identity theory.

  • Bis heute 4 Jahre und 7 Monate, seit Nov. 2019

    Research Assistant


    CONICET is the main agency that fosters science and technology in Argentina. They all operate across the whole country -from the Antarctic up to the Puna, from the Andes Mountain Range up to the Argentine Sea- in 15 Scientific and Technological Centers (CCT), 11 research and transference centers (CIT), a Multidisciplinary Research Center and more than 280 Institutes and exclusive CONICET Centers under the scope of national universities and other institutions.

  • Bis heute 15 Jahre und 10 Monate, seit Aug. 2008

    Associate Professor

    Universidad de Buenos Aires

    I instruct the "Social Psychology" course (Course number: 266) at the University of Buenos Aires. This course explores the intersection of psychology and sociology, equipping students with the tools to interpret and apply contemporary psychological theories to real-life situations. It encourages collaborative learning, fostering discussions and insights among students. Topics covered include attitude formation, group dynamics, stereotypes, prejudice, social identity theory, and more.


  • Englisch


  • Spanisch


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