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Maria Portela

is looking for freelance projects. 🔎

Angestellt, Product Designer, cityscaper gmbh

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

UI Design
Motion Design
Art Direction
Adobe Photoshop
After Effects
User Experience
User Interface
Interaction Design
Art Design
Digital Arts
User Centric Design
High fidelity prototyping
Usability Testing
Problem Solving
Communication skills
design systems
UX/UI Design


Berufserfahrung von Maria Portela

  • Bis heute 1 Jahr und 6 Monate, seit Okt. 2023

    Product Designer

    cityscaper gmbh

  • Bis heute 8 Jahre und 3 Monate, seit Jan. 2017

    UI Designer

    MP Designs

    Over the past 7 years I have had the chance to work on numerous projects in various domains. These range from small independent studios/businesses/ persons that need a tailor-made website or logo, to large organisations that require me to take a small part in a bigger project to which my expertise can contribute.

  • 1 Jahr und 2 Monate, Nov. 2021 - Dez. 2022

    Digital Designer

    Ampler Bikes

    • UI/UX & Design System – Maintaining and developing components for the Ampler design system, built on Figma. Iterating user flows to create/ update website pages. Developing a new prototype following design thinking methodology, including user testing and interviews. • Created over 50 digital creatives for Facebook Advertising & HTML5 files for Google Web Designer. • Successfully introduced workflow systems, templates and creatives for monthly, automated (up to 60) and sales emails.

  • 1 Jahr und 11 Monate, Jan. 2020 - Nov. 2021

    Digital Designer

    AVT Connect

    • Developed over 100 custom-crafted platforms and templates exclusively for medical clients to host their events. Built interactive experiences using Adobe XD, ensuring branded visuals and smooth navigation. • Created virtual conference halls for users and edited pre and post-event recordings for uploading in the platform. • Worked with leading pharmaceuticals including Allergan, AbbVie, Bayer, Gilead Sciences, Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi and other top players in the industry.

  • 2 Jahre und 4 Monate, Okt. 2017 - Jan. 2020

    Web Designer


    • Led 2-person team to deliver high-quality design solutions within tight deadlines. • Created briefs & budgets for lifestyle photoshoots and oversaw production & post-production stages. • Leveraged HotJar to analyse user behaviour and optimise website functionality for increased sales. • Spearheaded creation of Amazon Marketplace shop through research & brand representation. • Developed more than 50 promotional assets in 11 markets, covering newsletters, website, ads & social media platforms.

Ausbildung von Maria Portela

  • 8 Monate, Feb. 2023 - Sep. 2023


    BASI Pilates International


  • Spanisch


  • Deutsch


  • Portugiesisch


  • Englisch


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