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Philippe CRAUSTE

Angestellt, Vice President Global Operations, Quality & HSE, VP Operations EMEA Region, Bombardier Transportation
BERLIN, Deutschland


Berufserfahrung von Philippe CRAUSTE

  • Bis heute 9 Jahre und 2 Monate, seit Jan. 2016

    Vice President Global Operations, Quality & HSE, VP Operations EMEA Region

    Bombardier Transportation

  • Bis heute 11 Jahre und 2 Monate, seit Jan. 2014

    Vice President Industrial Strategy, Excellence System and HSE

    Bombardier Transportation

    Drive excellence in operations through standardized processes and optimization of manufacturing site capabilities and footprint Drive the Achieve Excellence System/Bombardier Operating System on all BT Functions Maximise our assets by worldwide CAPEX and Real Estate management Emphasis our management to be a worldclass companie in Health, Safety & Environment

  • 2 Jahre und 2 Monate, Nov. 2011 - Dez. 2013

    Vice president Group Operations and Quality

    BOMBARDIER Transportation

    In charge of Operation and Quality Management for Bombardier Transportation Group located in Germany, role covering all Division, BUs and Sites for Operations and Quality Functions Staff managed is composed of 30 employees in Group direct reports, and functionally 1800 for Quality function and 16.000 Operation employees in sites. The challenge was to redefine a Quality Excellence strategy for BT worldwide covering all Functions and to enhanced our Bombardier Operating System

  • 6 Jahre und 1 Monat, Okt. 2005 - Okt. 2011

    Vice President Quality A380 Programme & Final Assy Line


    ● Management of a Programme Quality staff of 600 persons ● Guarantee traceability, quality and airworthiness of subcontracted and manufactured assemblies, final assembly of aircraft up to entry into service, in compliance to JAR rules (EASA) ● Management of Lean & Improvement projects deployment in order to assure ramp up and lead time reduction ● Ensures the right level for quality at optimum cost (Balance risks and costs) ● Ensures airline customers satisfaction

  • 3 Jahre und 2 Monate, Sep. 2002 - Okt. 2005

    Cabin Interiors Business Unit Vice President


    Business Unit management (P&L) with a staff of 270 persons - 56 M.€. of revenue, EBIT&CASH monthly report to headquarter - International customers and suppliers - Core business on cabin Interiors products such « first class area, Business Class seats, Galleys, with FAA and EASA certifications – Business development grow up on international market more than 80% in 3 years - Several partnerships built with US and German companies

  • 3 Jahre und 5 Monate, Apr. 1999 - Aug. 2002

    Aerostructure Business Vice President


    Business Unit management (P&L) with direct 200 employees + 100 in subsidiary -72 M.€. of revenue - Military and Civil market - Development of Aerostructure sections and sub assemblies in risk sharing with Airbus, Military customers and Dassault - 2 sites including 1 in Moroco

  • 6 Jahre und 5 Monate, Nov. 1992 - März 1999

    Final Assy Line General Manager - AIRBUS A300/A310


    A300-A310 final assembly line (FAL) Manager at AIRBUS Toulouse including the flight line for delivery preparation. Staff of 250 to 140 persons according to rate variation. Numerous LEAN projects were implemented by my teams on this FAL (lead time reduction, Built to order, 5S, Flight line integration, self inspection, …).

Ausbildung von Philippe CRAUSTE

  • 4 Jahre, Sep. 1985 - Aug. 1989

    Teaching profession for Technical education

    ENSET (Ecole Normale Superieure de l'Enseignement Technique)


  • Englisch


  • Französisch


  • Deutsch


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