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Steve Tidd

Bis 2020, Chief Operating Officer and Transformation Director, Qatar Reinsurance Company Limited
Bournemouth, Vereinigtes Königreich

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse


Berufserfahrung von Steve Tidd

  • Bis heute 5 Jahre, seit Apr. 2020

    Underwriting Director

    Premier Underwriting Agency

  • 4 Jahre und 9 Monate, Okt. 2015 - Juni 2020

    Chief Operating Officer and Transformation Director

    Qatar Reinsurance Company Limited

    Achievements The development of a global franchise and brand. Built a strong team for rapid business development and growth, Established a market leading low cost global servicing platform. Operational I led IT, Project and Change Management, HR, Compliance, Claims and Accounting. I established strong business culture for fast agile delivery of projects and change alongside efficiency and quality.

  • 4 Jahre und 1 Monat, Sep. 2011 - Sep. 2015

    Managing Director

    Service Insurance Group

    Achievements include undertaking a full financial review of the business capital and reserves, and and service management and distribution and following this, set new strategies in each area with the objective of preservation of the shareholders asset. Having undertaken corrective action with the Board I actively sought solutions to meet shareholder objectives for orderly exit and / or sale.

  • 2 Jahre und 8 Monate, Jan. 2009 - Aug. 2011

    Managing Director

    Novae Re

    Achievements include; Strategic Objectives Arising from the work undertaken during 2007-2008 we capitalised with a new team and new reinsurance business plan and proposition within Novae at Lloyd's. New business plan granted approval by Lloyd's 2008. Set up a new branch in Zurich and integrated a team of international underwriters into Lloyd's. Business Development Alongside the role to establish Novae Re I added significant value to revenue growth by developing new streams of business.

  • 2 Jahre, Feb. 2007 - Jan. 2009


    Knockwood Limited

    With a small group of like minded reinsurance professionals we developed a new business plan and raised seed capital to support establishment of a new reinsurance venture. The project did not complete as envisaged given global financial market conditions in this period. The plan was tailored and eventually fulfilled within Novae Re.

  • 4 Jahre und 7 Monate, Jan. 2004 - Juli 2008

    Chief Executive Officer

    GHL Europe Limited

    Achievements included Following sale of Link to GHL led GHL Europe to drive business growth to meet shareholder aspirations for expansion into UK retail insurance. Completed acquisition of Zenith Insurance and restructured. Consolidated acquisitions into a single Gibraltar based entity. Following completion of this work took up consultancy role to work on new reinsurance start up.

  • 2 Jahre, Jan. 2002 - Dez. 2003

    Managing Director

    Link Underwriting Agency Ltd.

    Led establishment of new Managing General Agency for retail insurance business and brought team across from Kiln Group. Rapidly restructured operations to establish new outsourced operating model, and supported newly established business providing those services in acquiring new clients. Sold MGA business to Guardian Holdings Limited (GHL).

  • 19 Jahre und 9 Monate, Apr. 1983 - Dez. 2002

    Director and Senior Underwriter

    Tokio Marine Kiln Europe S.A.

    Achievements included; Appointed to various Boards and Committees of both insurance and reinsurance companies within the Kiln Group. Approved as one of youngest senior underwriters for large Syndicate in Lloyd's. Appointed as Managing Director of Link Insurance Services to support restructuring and sale of the insurance divisions of Kiln. Appointed as Trustee to the Pensions and Benefits Scheme

Ausbildung von Steve Tidd

  • Bis heute

    Insurance Management

    Chartered Insurance Institiute


  • Englisch


  • Französisch


  • Deutsch


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