Theressa Jordan

is looking for freelance projects. 🔎

Inhaberin, Realtor, Solid homes and Properties

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Real Estate Asset Management
Real Estate Investment
Commercial Real Estate
Real Estate Development
Real Estate Consulting
Real estate industry
Corporate Real Estate Management
Real Estate


Berufserfahrung von Theressa Jordan

  • Bis heute 7 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit Jan. 2017


    Solid homes and Properties

    Have lived and worked in the Manhattan area my entire life and am passionate about helping people find a home in this "most livable region. am a driven real estate professional with comprehensive accomplishments leading sellersand buyers in single family homes and all other types of residential or commercial real estate. Known as an innovative thinker with strong financial analysis, digital marketing, advertising. Demonstrated success executing complex transactions while delivering premium customer service

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