Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Dindorf
Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse
Berufserfahrung von Andreas Dindorf
- Bis heute 6 Jahre und 6 Monate, seit Okt. 2018AUDI AG
Leiter, Technische Vorschriften Elektrik/Elektronik, Automat. Fahren
- Bis heute 10 Jahre und 2 Monate, seit Feb. 2015
Director, Regulations & Certification
Opel Automobile GmbH
Manage 42 employees with core competnce in Type Approval, Exportmanagement and -certification and product related requirements Professional execution of all certificartion tasks related safety and environment such as emissions and CO2, crash safety, active safety systems, etc. including issuance of CoC papers Manage Compliance process and reviews Front face to national and European government authorities
Manage an Expertteam for all product related environmental and safety regulations; assessment of product impact anticipate regulatory trends, develop company positions and represent in manufacturer associations and governments; Add-value to engineering process by giving clear and consistent direction
- 8 Jahre und 10 Monate, Jan. 2002 - Okt. 2010Adam Opel AG
Manager, Environmental Strategy & Regulations
Develop product related environmental strategies Manage the implementation and facilitate the emvironmental management system based on ISO14000 wihtin engineering Development of emissions, OBD, CO2 and noise related regulations Lead industry representative to european instutions
Ensure dissimination of safety requirements in the engineering process Lead regulatory interpretation of saftey related issues
Project manager for the developmement of a group wide database system Develop process and standards for data manengement global deployment
Manage export requirements for Asia & Oceania Coordination of international engineering centers regarding a common understanding of requirements and a harmonized approach zu certification
Ausbildung von Andreas Dindorf
- 3 Jahre und 5 Monate, Sep. 1987 - Jan. 1991
Mechanical Engineering
FH Wiesbaden
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